Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation in Bicuspid Aortic Valve Patients with Coagulation Factor 7 and 11 Deficiency and Atrial Fibrillation
1Department of Cardiology, Atılım University, Faculty of Medicine, Medicana International Ankara Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
2Department of Cardiology, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara City Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
3Department of Cardiology, Medicana International Ankara Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
Anatol J Cardiol 2023; 3(27): 173-175 PubMed ID: 36856598 PMCID: 9995554 DOI: 10.14744/AnatolJCardiol.2022.2842
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Although transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), which is a less invasive standard treatment for aortic stenosis than surgery, has been recommended even in low-risk patients, its effectiveness in bicuspid aortic valve is still unclear. Cardiac surgery has been proven to cause serious complications in hematological diseases with factor deficiency or bleeding diathesis. In this case, which is the first in the literature to our knowledge, we tried to present the successful TAVI procedure in a young patient with bicuspid aortic stenosis and factor 7, 11 deficiency complicated by atrial fibrillation.