Classic and non-classic forms of mitral valve prolapse
1Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, University Hospital of Thessaly, Larissa
2Department of Cardiology, General Hospital of Kozani, Kozani city-Greece
Anatol J Cardiol 2012; 1(12): 2-4 PubMed ID: 22214735 DOI: 10.5152/akd.2012.001
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Objective: To investigate the significance of the established distinction between classic and non-classic forms of mitral valve prolapsed (MVP). Materials and Methods: We included in this prospective study all patients examined in our preventive cardiology outpatient clinics during the biannual period October 2004-October 2006. We examined in total 10.818 patients, 238 of whom (2.2%) were diagnosed for MVP. We noted relevant demograph- ic and clinical data (gender, age of diagnosis, symptoms, need for hospitalization) and performed statistical comparisons between patients with the classic and those with the non-classic form. Follow-up controls were performed three years afterwards. Results: Patients with the classic form had an earlier age of first diagnosis, more prominent symptoms, and more frequently diagnosis for other disorders (atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) than the rest of the patients; however, there were no significant differences as far as certain major complications (stroke, death, submission to surgery) were concerned. Conclusion: The classic form of mitral valve prolapse is more tightly associated with morbid complications, and a more frequent follow-up control in this group of patients may be useful.

Mitral kapak prolapsının klasik ve klasik olmayan formları
1Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, University Hospital of Thessaly, Larissa
2Department of Cardiology, General Hospital of Kozani, Kozani city-Greece
The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology 2012; 1(12): 2-4 DOI: 10.5152/akd.2012.001 PMID: 22214735

Amaç: Klasik ve klasik olmayan mitral kapak prolaps (MVP) formları arasındaki belirlenen farkın önemini araştırmaktır. Yöntemler: Ekim 2004-Ekim 2006 iki yıllık periyot boyunca prevensiyon kardiyoloji polikliniklerde muayene olan tüm hastalar bu prospektif çalış- mamıza dahil edildi. Toplamda 10.818 hasta muayene edildi, bunların 238 (%2.2)’ ine MVP tanısı konulmuştu. İlgili demografik ve klinik verileri (cins, tanı yaşı, semptomlar, hastaneye yatış ihtiyacı) kaydedildi ve klasik ve klasik olmayan formlu hastalar arasında istatistiksel karşılaştırma yapıldı. Üç yıl sonra takip kontrolleri elde edildi. Bulgular: Klasik formlu hastalarda ilk tanı yaşı daha erken, daha belirgin semptomlar ve kalan hastalardan daha sık diğer bozukluklar (atriyal septal defekt, ventriküler septal defekt, Marfan sendromu, Ehlers-Danlos sendromu) vardı; ancak, bazı majör komplikasyonlar (felç, ölüm, cer- rahi müdahale) söz konusu olduğu halde önemli farklılıklar yoktu. Sonuç: Mitral kapak prolapsının klasik formu, morbid komplikasyonlarla daha sık ilişkili idi ve bu grup hastalarda daha sık takip kontrolü faydalı olabilir.