Differential diagnostic algorithm for diseases manifested with heart murmurs syndrome
1Center for Medical Decision Making, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
Anatol J Cardiol 2009; 4(9): 331-339 PubMed ID: 19666437
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Diagnostic interpretation at auscultation of heart murmurs is accompanied by frequent errors. It creates serious clinical, pedagogical, organizational and social problems. The standard nosological principle of a clinical information description from the diagnosis (a disease name) to the description of symptoms/signs contradicts to real clinical practice from revealing of symptoms through differential diagnostics to a diagnosis establishment. The differential diagnostic algorithm or diagnostic algorithm developed by the author, is based on the opposite syndromic principle of thinking – from the signs to the diagnosis. It completely corresponds to the practical purposes of reliable diagnostics of 35 illnesses, manifested by heart murmurs at a heart auscultation.