Volume: 1 Issue: 2 - June 2001

4. Profesör Dr.Güngör ERTEM
Pages : 75-75
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5. The Relation Between Infarction Localization and Late Potentials
PubMed ID: 12101812 Pages : 76-79
Abstract Full Text PDF
6. Relation of HLA Antigens and Myocardial Infarction
PubMed ID: 12101813 Pages : 80-84
Abstract Full Text PDF
7. Value of ‘Tissue Doppler’ Imaging in the Determination of the Right Ventricular Systolic Function
PubMed ID: 12101814 Pages : 85-89
Abstract Full Text PDF
9. Lymphocyte Subsets in Patients with İdiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy
PubMed ID: 12101816 Pages : 98-100
Abstract Full Text PDF
10. Disaster and Cardiac Disease
PubMed ID: 12101804 Pages : 101-106
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12. Vasovagal Syncope and Beta-Blockers
PubMed ID: 12109461 Pages : 109-109
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16. CYST-Like Thrombi in the Left Ventricle
PubMed ID: 12101805 Pages : 114-114
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17. Prosthetic Valve Thrombi
PubMed ID: 12101806 Pages : 115-116
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20. The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology
PubMed ID: 12101810 Pages : 124-124
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