Assessment and Evaluation of Cardiology Residency Training in Türkiye: A National Survey
1Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Başkent University, Ankara, Türkiye
2Department of Medical Education and Informatics, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Türkiye
Anatol J Cardiol 2023; 27(10): 580-591 PubMed ID: 37288861 PMCID: 10541786 DOI: 10.14744/AnatolJCardiol.2023.3282
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Background: Workplace-based assessment methods are essential in the assessment and evaluation of competency-based cardiology residency training. This study aims to determine the assessment and evaluation methods used in cardiology residency training in Türkiye and to reach the opinions of the institutions on the applicability of the workplace-based assessments.

Methods: In this descriptive study, a Google Survey was sent to the heads/trainers of residency educational centers and their opinions about the currently used assessment and evaluation methods, applicability of cardiology competency exams, and the workplace-based assessments were asked.

Results: Responses were received from 65 (76.5%) of 85 training centers. Of the centers, 89.2% reported using resident report cards, 78.5% case-based discussion, 78.5% direct observation of procedural skills, 69.2% multiple-choice questions, 60% traditional oral exams, and less commonly other exam types. About 74% of responders gave a positive opinion on the requirement of being successful in the Turkish Cardiology Competency knowledge exam before specialty. Case-based discussion was the most common work-place-based assessments that the centers think could be applied as suggested by the current literature. A common idea was the adaptation of workplace-based assessments based on international standards and our national norms. The trainers supported a nationwide examination for all training centers to ensure standardization.

Conclusion: In Türkiye, it was promising to see that the trainers are positive about the applicability of workplace-based assessments, but they commonly thought that the proposed workplace-based assessments should be adapted before nationwide applicability. Medical educators and field experts need to work together on this issue.