The Relation Between Infarction Localization and Late Potentials
1Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kardiyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Diyarbakır, Türkiye
2Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kardiyoloji Anabilim Dalı, İzmir
3Department of Cardiology Meram Faculty of Medicine, Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey
Anatol J Cardiol 2001; 1(2): 76-79 PubMed ID: 12101812
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Objective: There are controversies about the relation between infarction localizaton and late potentials (LP) following acute myocardial infarction (AMI). To evaluate this issue 124 consecutive patients with first Q- wave AMI fulfilling the inclusion criteria were enrolled in this signal - averaged ECG (SAECG) study. Methods: The patients were divided into three groups according to infarction localization: anterior (Group I n=62; 50%), inferior (Grop II: n=42; 34%) and both inferior and right ventricular (RV) involvement (Group III n=20; 16%). SAECG records were performed during the second week. LP results were evaluated as positive when at least two of the major criteria (QRS > 114 ms, LAS 40>38 ms, RMS < 20v) were obtained. Tukey - Cramer multivariate analysis was performed. Results: Positive LP results were obtained in 29% of group I, 35.7 % of group II and 55 % of group III patients. Patients with both inferior and RV involvement had a significantly higher positive LP results independent from left ventricular ejection fraction. Conclusion: Therefore, increased risk of arrhythmia in those patients with both inferior MI localization and RV involvement should be taken into consideration.