2Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kardiyoloji Anabilim Dalı, İzmir
3Department of Cardiology Meram Faculty of Medicine, Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey
Objective: There are controversies about the relation between infarction localizaton and late potentials (LP) following acute myocardial infarction (AMI). To evaluate this issue 124 consecutive patients with first Q- wave AMI fulfilling the inclusion criteria were enrolled in this signal - averaged ECG (SAECG) study. Methods: The patients were divided into three groups according to infarction localization: anterior (Group I n=62; 50%), inferior (Grop II: n=42; 34%) and both inferior and right ventricular (RV) involvement (Group III n=20; 16%). SAECG records were performed during the second week. LP results were evaluated as positive when at least two of the major criteria (QRS > 114 ms, LAS 40>38 ms, RMS < 20v) were obtained. Tukey - Cramer multivariate analysis was performed. Results: Positive LP results were obtained in 29% of group I, 35.7 % of group II and 55 % of group III patients. Patients with both inferior and RV involvement had a significantly higher positive LP results independent from left ventricular ejection fraction. Conclusion: Therefore, increased risk of arrhythmia in those patients with both inferior MI localization and RV involvement should be taken into consideration.